Cultural Probe

Justin K
3 min readJan 28, 2021

For my cultural probe I targeted three themes to get a sense of Cecile:


Identification through others

Identification through the self

Theme: location

1. a map-pin from today

Rationale: Geolocation information is a reliable source of objective demographic information. Allowing Cecile to choose this location gives her an additional opportunity to provide insight into other activities she’s engaged in.

Theme: identification through others

2. Take two photos:

a. one of your bookshelf

b. something from your home: a favorite item or special place. What feelings does this evoke for you?

Rationale: Books provide a curated view of objects a person has chosen to hold onto and identify with over an extended period of time. Choosing an object or place of sentiment provides insight into emotional priorities that might influence her decision making.

3. What’s a website you like and why?

Rationale: As the ultimate goal is UI focused I feel this is the most direct way to get insight into design or content she enjoys.

Theme: identification through the self

4. Can you share something you’ve created and describe what inspired you?

Rationale: A direct view into her aesthetic priorities that might translate into future engagement. I’ve asked for a sense of what has inspired her to the point of creation in the past as this gives a sense of what might motivate her to action in the future.

5. What’s something you did today that you’ve done before but still enjoy?

Rationale: Identifying where we find pleasure in repetition indicates an enduring activity, indicating how she really spends her time.


  1. Returned a residential address for Long Island City, Queens NY.
  2. a.


Blurred out of a respect for privacy

“A favorite item from my home. The feeling I experience with this is an enormous love.”




“This is a painting that I made using a spatula. It was the first of a series of paintings that represent the traditions, culture and the festive spirit of my country. What inspired me to create this was the distance, the nostalgic feeling that I was experiencing back then, so that I wanted to express that through art”


“Something that I love to do and I never get tired of”


There is a strong identity with family, food, and her home country. The varied-bookshelf, choice of Netflix, and residence in Queens indicates a cultural curiosity. While only interacting with Cecile once through a zoom-call I imagine she is rooted in strong loyalty to her origins balanced with an openness to variety and new ideas.

